
Sessions include any set up that is required, getting the dog or animal settled, the full massage (or reiki treatment) and discussion related to any findings with the animals’ guardian. Please ensure your pet hasn’t eaten at least 30 minutes before the start of the massage. 

Payment for Service will be required immediately following services provided.

Canine Initial 1 hour Massage Treatment - $95 (this cost applies also to those who are not a regular maintenance client every 4-6 weeks as to document any new injuries or health changes to the animal after 6 weeks time) *pricing includes travel time

Canine Maintenance 1 hour Massage Treatments - $80 *every 4-6 weeks, includes travel time

Canine Massage Packages - 6 Massages $400 ($80 savings or 1 free treatment) or 12 Massages $900 ($60 savings)

Canine 25 Session Massage Package - 25 Sessions $1600 (savings of $400 or 5 free treatments) this is great for the sport dog that is training or trialing all year or just during the on season, or any dogs completing rehabilitation that require more sessions to compliment with their veterinary rehabilitation program. Invoices are provided for insurance claims if you happen to have this on your package. *can be used for multiple dog homes as well

Animal Reiki - $75 per session  *pricing includes travel time 

Canine Kinesiotaping - can be added to Canine Massage Treatment for $15

Durations of treatment will vary but can range from 45 minutes – 90 minutes

*Animal Bodywork is complimentary to Veterinary Care, it is always recommended to seek out advice for medical treatment and diagnosis from your Veterinarian

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