
About Carly:

I have always had a dog, I find that they are the most loyal companions. Never judging, always loving. As a Registered Massage Therapist, I often thought how I could incorporate all of my training into one. Well, that was simple, utilize my skills to help those who are always there for us. 

My name is Carly and I am a certified Canine Massage Therapist and Animal Reiki Practitioner. Fully insured and a member in good standing with the International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork, my goal is to cultivate, empower, and educate a community of animal owners to provide complimentary holistic care to your pets.

Carly holds additional certifications in: Advanced Canine Nutrition, Canine Essential Oils Specialist, and Acute Canine Herbalism. She is currently completing her certifications in Canine Craniosacral Therapy, Canine Kinesiotaping, as well as Cold Laser/Light Therapy for Animals.

*Animal Bodywork is complimentary to Veterinary Care, it is always recommended to seek out advice for medical treatment and diagnosis from your Veterinarian


Meet the dogs:



2003 – 2017 

Marla was the driving force into learning Canine Massage. I was raised with Dobermans and she was my first baby and an English Labrador Retriever. Docile, Brilliant, Beautiful and Loyal. She was and still is internationally known as “Everyone’s Favourite Dog” In 2015 she was vaguely diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, this did not take her to the Rainbow Bridge, but I knew I had to do something to help with her mobility. I took my Canine Massage Certification as well as my Aromatherapy Certification. She was not only worked on daily, but she also became my first oily dog! She was my angel on earth, and missed dearly to this day. She taught me many lessons about life and gratitude. 

Heads & Tails Photography

Heads & Tails Photography


Rescued 2018

Tucker is my most interesting animal to date. He is super loving. When we rescued Tucker, he was underweight and had horrible dental health. Right away he stole my heart along with my sons. We brought him home within 30 minutes of meeting with him. He was entirely stressed, scared but trusting of us. I spent the first night massaging him and providing reiki treatments to him. Currently, this Bassador is the most loveable, cuddly dog. His listening skills have never quite been there, but the giant heart of his makes up for it.




Sophie was a beautiful diva of a St Bernewfie. She was 120 lbs of fur and love. Sophie had always been in our life via dog sitting but an unexpected relocation of her family meant she became a permanent member of our household. She enjoyed being the little spoon despite her extra-large body. We got Sophie as she was turning 7 and her hind legs sometime gave her trouble. I worked specifically on Sophie then she began to gallop, jump, run and walked across wood and tile floor that she had previously developed fear of. She was the perfect addition into both our hearts and home. We lost Sophie to Cognitive Canine Dysfunction in January of 2020, her presence and love will be greatly missed as she was one of the most beautiful creatures to ever grace this earth.

Heads & Tails Photography

Heads & Tails Photography